Global Business Market Research: RONIN's Approach to Local Impact

RONIN is an industry leader in global B2B market research, conducting over 400 international projects every year across North America, Europe, Central and South America, EMEA, and Asia. We offer data collection services that deliver accurate and relevant business research, tailored to the unique needs of diverse local markets. This approach ensures that insights are both precise and actionable, leading to effective solutions for our global clients.  

Our Global Presence and Local Expertise 

With offices in the UK (London and Lancaster), USA, Germany, Hong Kong, Portugal and recently Manila, RONIN uses local expertise to gain a deeper understanding of various markets. We recognise that local market dynamics are influenced by cultural, economic, and regulatory factors. To address these, RONIN customises its research methodologies to consider these elements, ensuring each project is relevant and culturally sensitive. Understanding regional business practices and consumer behaviour patterns is critical for accurate data collection and interpretation. Industry research indicates that companies that adapt their strategies through data-driven localisation, which includes translating materials into local languages and tailoring content to cultural preferences, are significantly more likely to succeed in new markets and can achieve sales increases of up to 30%.

Tailoring Research Solutions for Local Markets 

We adapt our surveys, questionnaires, and other research tools to fit local languages and culture, which is essential for obtaining precise responses and engaging research participants effectively. RONIN employs a flexible approach to data collection, utilising telephone interviews, online surveys, or digital recruitment, depending on local preferences and business practices. Industry research indicates that failing to localise content could result in losing 40% or more of the total addressable market. (Smartling, 2024) Our ability to adapt methodologies to the local context ensures high participation rates and reliable data. 

Building Trust Through Ethical Data Practices 

At RONIN, gaining deep insights into market dynamics is a cornerstone of our approach. By integrating local technological trends and platforms into our research methodologies, we maintain relevance and effectiveness in our findings. Our adherence to local data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and TCPA, guarantees that all data is secure and handled ethically. According to Cisco's Consumer Privacy Survey, 84% of consumers care about data privacy, and 80% are willing to spend time and money to protect their data. This underscores the importance of data privacy compliance in building consumer trust. This trust is crucial for building long-term relationships with both participants and clients. 

Client Success Stories: The Impact of Localised Research 

“We have worked with RONIN on 3 projects over the years.  We throw challenging recruiting criteria at you - and you always help us make our screeners better. We ask that you translate our materials and do the interviews in French and German, and you let us brief the interviewers and they are always great.  You translate the transcripts to English, and provide us with the transcripts in excellent condition. In short, we could be considered high maintenance, and you all have always been high touch.” Client (anonymous), branding agency. 

Agile Strategies for Market Research Excellence 

Employing agile project management strategies allows RONIN to quickly adapt to local market changes, keeping our research relevant and impactful. We are capable of adjusting survey instruments mid-project based on initial findings and feedback, demonstrating our commitment to flexibility and precision. Studies have shown that agile project management can increase project success rates by 28%, highlighting the effectiveness of our approach. This agility enables us to respond promptly to new insights and refine our methods to ensure optimal results. 

Ongoing client engagement is fundamental to tailoring research solutions to specific needs. We emphasise collaboration and use feedback to make iterative improvements and adjustments, ensuring quality data that can be trusted.  

Driving Global Success with Local Insights 

RONIN’s strategy of achieving global reach with a local impact through tailored B2B research solutions is crucial for driving business success. By leveraging local expertise and adapting methodologies, we ensure that research findings are relevant, accurate, and actionable. This strategic approach enables businesses to make informed decisions and capitalise on opportunities in diverse markets. 

Enhance Your Global Reach with RONIN's Local Research Strategies 

If your business aims to enhance its market research efforts, consider RONIN for your B2B research needs. With our local expertise for international markets, trustworthy and flexible approaches, and a proven track record, we are well-equipped to deliver tailored research solutions that drive business success. 

Contact RONIN today for more information or to explore collaboration opportunities.

RONIN: Your partner in global B2B research, delivering insights that matter. 

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