RONIN International is a proud member of the world's leading business intelligence, insights and analytics trade associations.

Simon - Headshot - Square

For more than 25 years, RONIN has maintained its membership of the world's leading trade associations, supporting our industry's effort for higher standards, better quality data and to ensure our profession never loses sight of our most important stakeholders: our valued participants.

Simon Glanville Managing Director

The UK Market Research Society (MRS)

  • We are Company Partners of the UK's Market Research Society (MRS), the regulator for the market research sector in the UK. We conduct all work in adherence to the MRS Code of Conduct and Binding Guidelines.

  • You can review our profile in the MRS Directory for further information.

  • We are accredited to the joint MRS/AQR Recruiter Accreditation Scheme (RAS). The AQR is the UK's Association for Qualitative Research, who developed this important scheme jointly with the MRS.

  • We are also proud signatories of the MRS Inclusion Pledge.

  • RONIN is a proud contributor to the industry-wide Global Data Quality initiative to tackle data quality issues in the insights sector. To find out more about the GDQ, you can visit their website.


  • We are Corporate Members of ESOMAR, the global membership organisation for research, insights, and analytics. We adhere to the ICC/ESOMAR Code and their detailed guidelines.

  • We also maintain a profile on the ESOMAR Directory

Insights Association


  • All of our healthcare-focused associates are jointly certified to both of these training schemes, refreshed annually.

  • Our Compliance Director sits on the BHBIA Ethics & Compliance Committee.


  • We are members of the UK Interviewer Quality Control Scheme (IQCS). Our work, including our recruitment, training, monitoring and validation of telephone interviewers, is carried out in strict adherence with the IQCS Standard.

  • Our Compliance Director represents RONIN International as a Council Member of the IQCS.

In addition to the above organisations and associations, RONIN Research GmbH, our German Hamburg-based subsidiary is also a proud member of the following German MR trade associations:


  • The ADM, a leading business association for market and social research; we adhere to the ADM's German Declaration, which includes specific provisions diverging from the ESOMAR Code.


  • BVM, another leading professional association of German market and social research organisations.

Going beyond trade associations

Please follow the links below for more information on our quality commitment.

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