News content global study

The aim of this research was to collect opinions on technology's impact on the news industry and how tech companies can work with news content providers to support high-quality news and build sustainable business strategies through initiatives like digital tools, partnerships, and training programmes. 2,800 interviews with broadcast, print and digital news outlets, academics, NGO's and associations.

  • 2,800 interviews across 22 markets in 4 regions
  • Data collection approaches across phone, digital, recruitment and online
  • Desk research to build contact lists from D&B, Crunchbase and others

The survey was sponsored by one of the major digital technology companies.

Organisation types:

  • News outlet
  • Broadcast (TV/Radio/Podcasts)
  • Magazine
  • News agency
  • News industry association
  • Academic institution
  • Non-profit industry organization or NGO
  • News-focused tech company (excluding news aggregators)

News content:

  • International news
  • Domestic/National news
  • State/Regional news
  • Local
  • Politics
  • Business/Economics
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Industry Specific Content

Job titles:

  • Business operations - ‘advertising’ managers.
  • Editorial – Journalist, reporter, writer, or content creator / Editor or newsroom management

Decision-making input:

All Participants had input into deciding on the digital products/tools, programs, or services that the organization uses or is considering using

India, United Kingdom, United States, France, Spain, Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Sweden, Poland, South Africa, Australia, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Canada, Italy - 2,786 interviews in total.

Sample Sources:

Desk research

Databases such as D&B/Hoovers, Crunchbase, local market directories.

Digital recruitment targeted by outlet, company, region and job title.

Phone recruitment

Online interviewing post screening and verification.

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