Ad tracker study

Target, screen & recruit to a 15 minute online interview. A mix of media planners and buyers through to senior planners and buyers, heads of digital and advertising within brand end clients and advertising agencies. 70% companies and 30% agencies in each market with quota on a total advertising spend on digital advertising. 500 interviews in UK & USA with 500 across France & Germany.

  • 1,500 interviews across 4 markets
  • RONIN targeted sample by advertising spend
  • All translations, list building, questionnaire programming and data delivery by RONIN

500 UK, 500 US & 500 French & German marketers who have influence in digital ad spend.

15-minute online survey, with digital recruitment using platforms such as LinkedIn, WINMO and other marketing and advertising databases.

Split of marketers and agencies 70/30 in each region.

Mix of media planners and buyers, through to senior planner/buyer and heads of digital / head of advertising

Company must spend at least $1M in digital ad spend annually

Must be in the following vertical: CPG, Retail, Food&Bev, Auto, Tech and Telco, Travel, Beauty, Entertainment

Quotas around digital ad spend at $1M-$5M, $5M-20M and $20M+

Bi-annual study

Included data tables and raw data in SPSS.

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